Time: 2:00 to 3:30 PM
Location: Juan de Fuca Local Area Services Building (3-7450 Butler Road, Otter Point, BC)
We look forward to seeing the membership at this year’s AGM (agenda below). We have lined up a great group of speakers able to update the community on community policing, highway studies and improvements, overall happenings in the CRD and a glimpse into the history of Otter Point.
Just a reminder that we will be holding board elections.
If you are interested in being a part of the board for the coming year, please email president@opsrra.ca—we’re looking to fill two key roles in communications and as treasurer. Meetings are quarterly and it is a great opportunity to make a difference in your community.
1. Approval of the Agenda
2. Appointment of a Recorder
3. Introductions and Announcements
4. Approval of the Minutes of the April 23, 2017 Annual General Meeting
5. President’s Report
- Update on Activities
- Financials
- Membership
- Report of the Nominations Committee
- Elections for the Board - Mike Hicks
- Arnie Campbell: Interactive History of Otter Point
- RCMP Staff Sgt Jeff McArthur: Community Policing
- Ryan Evanoff, Operations Manager, MOTI: Highway 14 Review
- Mike Hicks, JdFEA Regional Director: JdF updates
9. Adjournment
Refreshments are available with a donation!