Sunday, 24 June 2018

Annual President’s Report for 2018 AGM

  • New board—including new president and vice-president, six directors appointed at the April 23,2017 AGM.
  • Annual Board Retreat—held June 4, 2017, to do some development work and planning for the coming year including Hwy 14 safety, JR community signage, water sustainability, new newsletter (blog) format.
  • Membership Drive—including new brochure design and booth at Shirley Day on August 18, 2017, with 20 new members added to our ranks since the 2017 AGM, with many thanks to all who volunteered.
  • Proposed Cell Towers—request to CRD regional director, that OPSRRA be consulted on these proposed locations to more effectively support community members and collaborate with agencies to find optimal solutions for all, and an opportunity to air member concerns.
  • Hwy 14 Safety/Access Letter—sent to MLA, John Horgan on September 21, 2017, expressing concerns including the lack of safe pullouts and signage, unsafe shoulders for pedestrians and cyclists, the need for more traffic and speed enforcement, and the increased number of accidents.
  • Jordan River (JR) Rezoning—concerns and inputs to the Shirley/Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission (APC), on August 2, 2017, around a proposed rezoning bylaw (Bylaw # 4188) for the hamlet to a new Restricted Development—Flood Hazard Area (RD-1) zone. OPSRRA director attended an Information Session held on September 22, 2017, a public hearing on Jan. 24, 2018, and plans to attend a LUC meeting on April 17, 2018.
  • November 5, 2017, Panel Discussion on Hwy 14 Safety and Access—including representatives from the RCMP, Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement, Timberwest, Forest Safety Council, first responders, and CRD, as well as a representative attending from the office of our MLA and Premier John Horgan—joined over 50 members in attendance to discuss safety, speed and noise on West Coast (segment of Highway 14) and Otter Point Roads.
  • Meeting with Ministry of Transport—including CRD and representatives from the Ministry on November 29, 2017, to discuss immediate safety issues along West Coast Road, as well as ongoing discussions on upgrades to Otter Point Road being engaged in by CRD and the Premier’s Office.
  • Letters to Editor on Hwy 14 Issues—submitted to newspapers in the region on December 5, 2017, emphasizing safety issues, OPSRRA’s efforts, and lauding B.C. Premier’s announcement on the province expanding its study and review of Highway 14 (Sooke and West Coast Roads) past Sooke and extending to Port Renfrew.
  • Board Member Change—temporary board appointment to replace director resignation in December 2017.
  • Logging in Muir Creek—communication in December 2017, with members and CRD Director regarding TimberWest resuming active logging in the sensitive old-growth watershed ecosystem, and support for T’Sou-ke Nation’s and community groups’ desire to protect the valley with regional and provincial governments and negotiate purchase/return to Nation stewardship.
  • Call for New Directors—in March newsletter and OPSRRA emails to fill vacancies and support Board activities.
  • Freedom Mobile Cell Tower—New Invitation for Public Input— a new proposal to CRD received for a 50 m cell tower at 2620 Kemp Lake Road on Rural Zone A property. CRD notice to be sent to neighbouring property owners and occupants within 500 m of the proposed property for public comment, and proposal to be brought forward to May 15, 2018, Land Use Committee meeting for recommendation to CRD Board.
  • Shirley and Jordan River Official Community Plan (OCP)—soon to be finalized and OPSRRA trusts it will retain community content and intent that was determined through an intensive and public process, recognizing minor changes as things have evolved since its drafting in 2016, with opportunities to provide potential modifications at Public Hearing.
  • 2018 AGM—April 15, 2018, with guest speakers from MOTI, RCMP, and the local community to discuss the Hwy 14 review, community policing, and Otter Point history, respectively, as well as a member’s forum and appointment of (new) OPSRRA directors.